By Frosty Wooldridge,

In a recent podcast, a man I highly respect, Victor Davis Hanson, said, “D.E.I., Woke, and the Green New Deal are like a social hydrogen bomb hitting America. These new terms being practiced are de-civilizing California into a third world country. If other states follow California, they will end up in the same boat.”

The fires that destroyed California were preventable!  But Governor Gavin “Nero” Newsom, LA Mayor Karen Bass, and former San Francisco Mayor London Breed define incompetence, ineptitude, lack of skills, outright stupidity, and complete disregard for their constituents.

Instead of competence defined by “merit and experience”, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” places unqualified people into top positions they cannot handle. Additionally, they cannot command.  They don’t realize their own incompetence until the social nightmare of endless crime, Woke policies, D.E.I. policies, transgender insanity, and now, wildfires costing the Golden State a nightmare that will take years to recover.

While Mayor Karen Bass cut the LA Fire Department out of $17 million, she secured $1.2 billions of taxpayer money to feed, house, and protect illegal aliens in her Sanctuary City…of which number around 3.0 to 4.0 million invaders. They fill California prisons. Governor Newsom mandated $25 million to ensure his illegals would not suffer deportation.

As reported by national news, Newsom CUT $102 million from California’s fire preventions and forest clearing fund last June, 2024.  Instead of serving the people of California, he serves illegal migrants from all over the world.  Thus, California buzzes like a beehive of crime, corruption, violence, looting, smash and grabs, schools trashed, hospitals overwhelmed, and, now, because he did nothing to mitigate wilderness areas of kindling and fire breaks, he watched helplessly as over 10,000 homes burned and rendered 50 square miles of scorched earth.

Those BIG mayors and that governor created a “systems breakdown” of their cities and the State of California.  Please note: Governor Newsom will run for U.S. President in 2028, and his key credentials will be good looks, toothy smile, and slicked back hair. Like Biden, he won’t have any solid “merits” to competently guide the United States of America.

When it comes to sheer stupidity, LA Mayor Karen Bass celebrates her hiring policies of 70 percent D.E.I. candidates.  When in fact, she’s the worst example of D.E.I. herself.  Former San Francisco Mayor Breed created the largest crime city in America by allowing thieves, if they stole less than $900.00, to walk free. The results were: 17 Walgreen Drug stores bankrupted. Smash and Grabs of cars’ valuables exploded into a crime syndicate worthy of national prominence. Two hotels bankrupted. Drunks and drug addicts to the tune of 170,000 and 50,000 homeless sprawled all over the LA’s and San Francisco’s streets.  Whole Foods failed after one year from shoplifting and violence toward employees. Dozens of other mercantile stores bankrupted.  Murderers roam the streets.

Again, “Corruption is a mechanism by which third world countries operate.”  If you import enough third world illiterate migrants, you are inviting endless crime in every major city that houses those migrants.

As it stands on the national scene, to get down to brass tacks, Joe Biden will be remembered as America’s weakest and most inept president in our entire history. He will also be remembered for his Alzheimer’s Disease that left him impotent for four years on the world stage.  He violated his oath of office by inviting 15 million illegal aliens to violate our borders.  He will be remembered for the “Biden Family Crime Syndicate” that sucked money out of foreign countries for favors while he enjoyed the Vice-Presidential office.  When the history books are written, we can only hope they expose the “inside circle” of his staff running our country into the ground.

Victor Davis Hanson said, “A combination of two self-evident truths. Joe Biden’s inept administration proved an ungodly disaster, not just for America but for the West as well, which looked abroad for a stronger America but found it weaker.”

Joe Biden’s bumbling arrogance, “Nearly destroyed the American military in Kabul. It ruined Western deterrence. It showered the Taliban with a multibillion-dollar new windfall arsenal. His lies, his incompetence, and, yes, his narcissism demoralized Americans and our allies.

“Biden sought to turn the once preeminent U.S. military into a cruel cultural woke joke. The train-wreck of the last four years was force-multiplied by Biden’s own feebleness, masked by the most scandalous media-politico conspiracy of suppression of it in U.S. history.”

Question: did the liberal U.S. media machine, on purpose, try to destroy America by not reporting Biden’s dementia?  Answer: you betcha!

“No one fears or listens to the now defenestrated frauds and tiring dissimulators: the Bidens, Fauci, Mayorkas, Garland, Milley, Austin, Jean-Pierre, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, or McCabe—and their old lies that Hunter was a brilliant artist, Biden is fit as a fiddle, no gain-in-function viruses, a bat caused COVID, the border is secure, Chinese army generals are more trustworthy than Trump, and the laptop was Russian.”

What an amazing four years of “horse manure” put out by Jen Psaki, Jean-Pierre and the rest of the Biden entourage.  From this journalist’s perspective, Mayorkas should be tried, convicted, and deported back to Cuba. He cares NOTHING for the American people.

On January 20, 2025, we begin anew!  We denounce “Woke” thinking because it’s absurd, insane, inept and really stupid.  We denounce DNA men competing in women’s sports because it’s absurd, insane, unfair, and mindlessly moronic.  We denounce D.E.I., because it’s as unfair as “affirmative action.”  We need to return to common sense, merit, hard work, education, and personal responsibility.  If you’ve got a problem in a big city ghetto, get your butt down to the school board and speak to excellence in teachers, and children ready to learn because their parents taught them to enjoy learning.

If you demand a “greener and healthier planet”, vote for bottle, can and glass recycling laws at .20 cents per container. Move to have your city enforce all recycling laws.  Demand “Stop Growth” policies in big cities that cannot handle their already overwhelmed traffic gridlock.  Demand that grocers delete GMO’s, chemical sprays and fertilizers that poison your food supply. Offer cereals that aren’t saturated with pounds of white sugar, Sucralose, aspartame, and high fructose corn syrup.  Use your dollars to put artificial foods and Monsanto out of business.

Demand that all criminals and illegal aliens see a jail cell and deportation.  Support our new president because he stands for all Americans.  We all need to pull in the same direction.

Let Joe Biden and Kamala Harris fade into the rear-view mirror like a bad dream.

Frosty Wooldridge is a population-immigration-environmental specialist, a speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences, and a six continent world bicycle traveler, speaker/writer/adventurer.

Web: and Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge.