Folks here is one of the best videos to show why our system of miseducation needs to be purged of anti-American leftists.

In this Prager U video, you will see that 65 percent of Ivy League students agree that the U.S. Constitution needs to be dumped.

These people are dangerously misinformed. But the sad fact is, these students have “learned” exactly the propaganda that the dangerous, communists that are teaching them wanted them to learn!

These halfwitted students didn’t arrive at these conclusions on their own. They were spoon-fed this leftist pablum.


If you are a parent paying to send your child to any of these anti-American universities, stop it. Close your wallet.

If you are a donor to any of these bastions of communism, stop it. Close your wallet.

If you are a legislator in any state house, vote to defund these corrupters of young minds.

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