The Top Lies Leftists Tell about Israel, the Holocaust, and the ‘Palestinians’

Facebook Twitter Flipboard Most western supporters of the so-called “Palestinians” don’t know anything about the history of the region. And here is a list of their top lies. I take that back. Leftists know an awful lot about the history of the “Palestinians,” but unfortunately — as Ronald Reagan once quipped — what they know […]

By Warner Todd Huston

October 14, 2024 at 10:32 pm

Most western supporters of the so-called "Palestinians" don't know anything about the history of the region. And here is a list of their top lies.

I take that back. Leftists know an awful lot about the history of the "Palestinians," but unfortunately -- as Ronald Reagan once quipped -- what they know just isn't true.

This week, Hugh Fitzgerald from Front Page Magazine posted a great little primer of some of the top lies about Jews that liberals tell. And boy is he right on.

For instance, a lot on the left like to pretend that Hitler and his Nazi pals were "Christians" or even Catholics. And that Christianity, then, had a hand in perpetrating the Holocaust during and ahead of World War Two. But this is all balderdash.

Adolf and his coterie were not Christians at all. In fact, Adolf himself wanted too replace Christianity with his own quasi-religious Nazi creed. In 2019, for instance the Washington Post noted that Adolf hated Christianity almost as much as he hated Judaism. He wanted to wholly eliminate the Jews, granted, but he also wanted Christianly completely eliminated, root and branch, in his Third Reich.

Further, most members of the Nazi regime were brought up in Lutheranism. After all, this WAS Germany we are talking about here.

Another lie the left tells is that Muslims had no part in Hitler's outrages against human rights. But this is also untrue. The truth is, the leader of the Palestinian Arabs and the architect of what we know today as Palestinianism, Hajj Amin el-Husseini, spent WWII in Berlin and was a frequent guest and confidant of Hitler.

Hajj Amin el-Husseini visited Auschwitz with Adolf Eichmann, hosted radio broadcasts in Arabic beamed into the homes of Arabs, and even helped raise several battalions of Bosnian Muslims to fight for the Third Reich. And el-Husseini was just one such top Arab leader of his day to sign on with Hitler, to glom onto his Holocaust plan and to move forward with those ideals after the great war ended. Others included former Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali al-Kailani, and the Syrian guerrilla leader Fawzi al-Qawuqji.

Another lie is that the Allied Powers "gave the Jews a homeland" after WWII ended. While it is true that the Allies guaranteed Israel's existence, the land had belonged to Jews for tens of thousands of years. Jewish people didn't just suddenly appear in Israel fresh from the Allied win that closed out WWII. They had been there longer than all the allies even existed!

In fact, even before WWII, during World War One the League of Nations recognized that Israel was the homeland of the Jews. So, the Jews did not "steal the land" from the Palestinians at the conclusion of WWII.

They have also had to fight since WWII to keep their land. As Fitzgerald wrote, "the Jews of Israel have repeatedly had to fight to keep their land from those who would destroy them. They fought three wars for their very survival, in 1948, 1967, and 1973. The Israelis are fighting a fourth such war for their survival today, a seven-front war in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran. Many Israelis have died in defense of their land. Their blood, like that of the Maccabees thousands of years ago, is on the title deed."

The fact is, there has never, ever been any such country as "Palestine," nor has there ever been a people called the Palestinians. Of course there was a city called Palestine. The region was sometimes called names that contain some vestige of "Palestine." But it was never an autonomous people or country. "Palestinians" are ethnic Lebanese, Jordanians, and Arabs, and their city and region has always been owned by others.

Indeed, the area where so-called "Palestinians" live today, was given to them in contravention to the original plans -- that land was supposed to be part of Israel. In 1921, the area was unexpectedly handed over too Hashemite Emir Abdullah in a political maneuver by the west (mostly at the behest of Britain).

As Fitzgerald notes:

Western Palestine thus became the Emirate of Transjordan (and in 1946 turned into the Arab Kingdom of Jordan). The Jews protested against this betrayal, but to no avail. And later on, the British would ignore their solemn obligations as holders of the Mandate, and instead of “encouraging Jewish immigration” and “facilitating close Jewish settlement on the land” they tried to prevent Jews from coming to Mandatory Palestine. They prevented ships loaded with Jewish refugees from disembarking in Palestine before and during the war, when up to a million might have been saved; after the war they continued to keep boats carrying Jews, fresh out of concentration and DP camps, from landing in Palestine. In fact, in 1939 the British government’s infamous White Paper limited the number of Jews allowed into Mandatory Palestine to 15,000 a year for five years, after which the Arabs could exercise a veto — meaning, of course, that no more Jews would be allowed into Palestine.

Note that you can track Jewish history back more than 3,500 years in that area. But you can't track "Palestinians" back before 1921!

So, here are just some of the top lies that liberals tell about Israel.

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