In news that will probably make you go… well, duh! … the latest rankings of states having the best business climate is dominated by red states in the south. And the worst states are deep blue-dominated hellscapes.

I mean, seriously. Who would be surprised that the worst states for businesses and jobs are all the crazy, deep blue states that have ruinous taxes, stupid laws, politicians who spend tax dollars like drunken sailors, home prices and rent no one can afford… come on. No one in their right mind thinks a Democrat-infested state is good for much of anything except to serve as a bad example. Do they?

Per Just the News:

Texas and North Carolina were the two states with two cities ranking in the top 10 for corporate headquarters relocations. Dallas ranked first, Austin ranked sixth. Charlotte ranked second; Raleigh ranked fifth.

The biggest upset in the ranking was Texas dropping from its long-held top spot in the ranking. Texas for years has ranked first for having the best business climate. This year, that changed, with Georgia taking the top spot.

Georgia was followed by North Carolina and South Carolina closing out the top three. Texas tied with Tennessee for the fourth spot. Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi and outliers Ohio and Indiana rounded out the top 10 states having the best business climate.

The top five southern states “accounted for roughly 60% of all our state-specific client inquiries and related location research,” John Boyd Jr., principal of The Boyd Company Inc., a national site consulting firm with offices in Florida and New Jersey, said.

Just the News has a lot more info on this at its report.

But, come on. You can’t be surprised, can you?

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