On Wednesday, Adam Schiff, D-Calif. misquoted President Trump’s phone call transcript with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky — AGAIN. According to Schiff, the president told Zelensky to “do ME a favor.” There’s only one little problem. Schiff lies again.
That’s NOT what Trump said. In fact, he asked Zelensky to “do US a favor,” meaning the whole country, not just him. Surely, Schiff knows this by now. Assuming he does, considering that he has access to the transcript, that would make him a bald-faced liar.
Assuming he does, considering that he has access to the transcript, that would make him a bald-faced liar. Or using his official title, he’s “the bug-eyed bloviating bull-sh*ting barrister of Burbank.”
Here’s a video as posted to Twitter by GOP Rep. Andy Biggs.
Lead Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff just mischaracterized President @realDonaldTrump's 7/25 call w/ Ukraine President Zelensky yet again.
He is so desperate to remove America's duly elected president that he would say & do anything to make his point.
Shame on House Democrats. pic.twitter.com/BaeCtM6eoi
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) January 29, 2020
Biggs is right. Schiff is so desperate to enact his seditious coup that he is willing to lie through his teeth in front of God and everyone. Worse yet, he has absolutely no remorse nor regrets, whatsoever, for spreading his bald-faced lies.
Others weighed in:
Wow. Adam Schiff just misquoted President Trump *again.*
He told the Senate President Trump asked President Zelensky to “do me a favor.”
The truth, what @realDonaldTrump really said: “do US a favor.”
He was talking about the country!
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) January 29, 2020
Did Adam Schiff really just misquote the call AGAIN? The man has no shame with his lies. He's blatant about it at this point. #ImpeachmentTrials
— Ryan Boyle (@the_ryan_boyle) January 29, 2020
That’s because the lying liberal propagandists in the lying liberal media refuse to call him out for his never-ending lies.
LOL. @RepAdamSchiff can't help himself. He just said "do ME a favor though." Misquoting the Ukraine call again. He was offering a hypothetical, but that's what he has done since Day One. Made up a set of facts and quotes that were not reflected in the evidence. #ImpeachmentTrial
— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) January 29, 2020
Schiff might be allergic to true statements.
— Tim Donnelly (@PatriotNotPol) January 29, 2020
Indeed. Like a vampire is allergic to sunlight.
If there are witnesses, put Schiff on the stand to read the actual transcript and question him about each every time he misquoted President Trump. Totally destroy his credibility.
— Patrick (@PatrickAl14) January 29, 2020
If Sen. Josh Hawley has his way, that very thing will happen.
Back in September, Schiff began this whole ridiculous impeachment hoax with an invented dialog to make it appear as though President Trump made statements that didn’t exist. After facing criticism, the “the bug-eyed bloviating bull-sh*ting barrister of Burbank.” said that his lies were a parody. The truth is by leading this impeachment farce and putting this country through three years of his anti-Trump lies Adam Schiff proves that he is a parody of a congressman who cares about this country.
Much of this post was first seen at Conservative Firing Line.
Back in September, Schiff began this whole ridiculous impeachment hoax with an invented dialog to make it appear as though President Trump made statements that didn’t exist. After facing criticism, the “the bug-eyed bloviating bull-sh*ting barrister of Burbank.” said that his lies were a parody. The truth is by leading this impeachment farce and putting this country through three years of his anti-Trump lies Adam Schiff proves that he is a parody of a congressman who cares about this country.