Scarborough blames Russians

On Saturday, the news broke that financier Jeffrey Epstein died by apparent suicide in the Manhattan jail he was being held in until his trial for raping girls as young as fourteen and forcing them to have sex with of his very high-profile friends. At the time of his death, people believed that Epstein was on 24-hour suicide watch (he wasn’t), which motivated Trump-hating Joe Scarborough to indulge in a touch of conspiracy theorizing of his own, placing the blame for the suicide on the Russians.

Yes..he said it was the Russians.

“A guy who had information that would have destroyed rich and powerful men’s lives ends up dead in his jail cell. How predictably…Russian,” he said on Twitter.

He wasn’t done.  Scarborough added:

Scarborough has been pushing the false theory that the Russians stole the election from Hillary. Based on the official Morning Joe line, blaming the Epstein suicide on the Russians may have very well been Scarborough’s way to blame Trump.

As he deserved, Scarborough got blasted on Twitter:


One person wanted to know if the Russians who did it were in the room with Scarborough…

Nah, the Russians wouldn’t go into a room with him. Even the Russkies would be afraid Joe would pick up his guitar and start playing what he calls music–they could go deaf (or like the Morning Joe panelists they could go dumb).

I bet if someone asked former Pres. Obama, he would have blamed Bush (or the Jooos).

While he’s not a doctor, Caleb Hull may have made an accurate diagnosis.

But this guy may be correct also.


Perhaps Joe is just trying to sell his new product:

This person offered Joe a different conspiracy theory:

Sorry I disagree. The Epstein suicide couldn’t have been Hillary. She doesn’t do anything that doesn’t advance her theory that the 2016 election was stolen from her.  

After a day of being Twitter-blasted. Joe took a giant step backward. The man who comes up with conspiracy theories to blame Trump for everything from Russiagate to bad weather claimed he wasn’t offering a theory,  just being glib:

But you know what? In the end, this entire blow-up might not be Joe’s fault at all:

H/T Conservative Firing Line

Scarborough blames Russians