San Diego State University is now claiming that criticizing overweight people is “rooted in anti-black racism.”
The racist “Pride Center” at the school is now pushing this idiocy on Instagram and saying, “Anti-Fatness/fatphobia is intrinsically rooted in anti-Blackness, racism, classism, misogyny, homophobia, and many other systems of oppression.”
“Fatphobia is deeply entrenched in Western society, making it difficult to unlearn and avoid,” the Instagram post continues, according to Campus Reform.
It continues, claiming that the “2SLBTQIA+ community is not immune to fatphobia” because “fat individuals are often discriminated against and judged in what should be an open and welcoming space.”
The post urges students to confront “fatphobia” by “reading literature by Fat Liberationists” and “advocating for fat bodies,” among other measures. It also warns readers against “complimenting weight loss” and claims that “[f]atness is lovely and has value.”
The Pride Center defines “fatphobia” as “systemic discrimination and stigmatization of fat bodies. “
The post also accusing people of perpetrating “fatphobia” of making it harder for gays to “come out.”
That’s right, it’s all just more nonsense dressed up as “education” and tax dollars are paying for it. This stuff should be rooted out and purged from our universities.
It’s all just more garbage pushing victimology and separatism.
Firstly, there should be no “hate” directed at fat people just because they are fat. And while there are many physical reasons that cause people to be overweight, being overweight should absolutely NOT be “accepted.” Some can’t help it, granted. But the fat positivity movement is dangerous for glorifying unhealthy lifestyles.
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