Herut North America, a leading American Zionist grassroots movement, has developed an inspirational new anthology for the Purim holiday offered for free upon request. This new ebook contains various articles about Purim from Dr. Israel Eldad, a dynamic Zionist thinker, a major leader of Israel’s pre-state underground in the 1940s well-known Israeli public intellectual. Eldad was one of the most influential newspaper columnists in Israeli history and wrote more about Purim than perhaps any of his contemporaries. The 24-page PDF booklet also contains a brief biographical sketch of Dr. Eldad and other content.

This Purim eBook is titled “Purim: The Zionist Holiday You Never Really Knew,” and it was created at this time because Dr. Israel Eldad’s brand of Zionist optimism is needed precisely in these dark days of the pandemic,” said Karma Feinstein Cohen, the Executive Director of Herut North America. “Our fervent hope is that through this unique compilation, readers will be inspired to think about Israel, Zionism, Judaism, and Jewish history in new ways.”

This anthology includes two full essays by Dr. Eldad all about Purim and a recently-unearthed interview over 50-years-old, which was discovered by Herut researchers, about anti-Semitism given by Israel Eldad to Geula Cohen (1925-2019) in 1969 in “Israel Magazine” titled “Why The Jews Are Hated.”

“Zionist education is Herut’s main mission and has been since our inception. That is one reason for the publishing of this Purim eBook this year,” said Herut North America’s National Director Moshe Phillips. “But, we also thought that with this year being the 25th anniversary of Dr. Eldad’s death, it was a most fitting way to draw attention to not only Eldad’s life but to his ideas as well. Herut believes that the leaders of Israel’s pre-state Zionist undergrounds were remarkable individuals who fought for higher ideals than those too few we often credit them for today. Their stories and thoughts inspire Israelis, but to most American Jews, these Zionist soldiers remain unknown. While the words of these heroes are important to the preservation of Zionist intellectual history alone, we also think the ideas in this eBook are hyper-relevant for today as well.”

To download your free copy of “Purim: The Zionist Holiday  You Never Really Knew” as a printable PDF, please visit https://herutna.org/purimbooklet

Herut is an international movement for Zionist pride and education and is dedicated to the ideals of pre-World War Two Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky. And Jeff Dunetz (The Lid) is an active member of the organization. More about Herut can be found at www.HerutNA.org–Please consider joining me in this great organization.

Important Note: This year, Purim begins on Feb. 25. 2021. Next week, check back on this site for more posts about Purim, including how the Biblical Queen Esther delayed Iran’s nuclear program.