Psychology professor Dr. Allan Josephson was fired by the University of Louisville when he came out in opposition to dangerous transgenderism. So, he took the taxpayer-supported school to court… and won.

Back in 2017, Josephson was head of the University of Louisville’s Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry when he argued for caution about transgendering children. By 2019, the let-wing school fired him.

per The Daily Mail:

After being hit with a federal free speech lawsuit, the Kentucky school argued it was within its rights to fire Josephson for the criticism, aired at a Heritage Foundation panel.

Attorneys for the university claimed his personal comments related to his professional role at the medical school and thus overcame his First Amendment claim.

Now that he’s been vindicated, his message for academia is ‘tolerance is a two-way street.’

‘Last year, in a case I filed against [the] University of Louisville… over the violation of my constitutional rights and seeking reinstatement of my position with back pay, a federal district court ruled a jury should hear my claims,’ Josephson wrote in an op-ed for the Daily Signal Thursday.

‘And on Sept. 10, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit agreed.’

The court found that “Josephson ha[d] shown that he engaged in protected speech when he spoke as part of the Heritage Foundation panel.”

“Defendants should have known that Josephson’s speech was protected and that retaliating against Josephson for his speech would violate his First Amendment rights,” the court said of the university.

“The 6th Circuit recognized what the University of Louisville does not; namely, that under our Constitution, all of us – professors or not – should be free to speak our professional and personal views without fear of punishment or retaliation.”

The school was not interested in free speech or medicine… or the health and safety of children, for that matter. It was only interested in protecting its leftist political agenda.

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