Clinton Cash, a feature documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book, has been posted to YouTube for all to view free just in time for the DNC. Clinton Cash demonstrates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to being worth over $150,000,000. Of course they had some help from over $2 billion in donations the Clinton Family Foundation. Most of the riches were accumulated during Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State via lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors.
This must watch film demonstrates how Hillary and Bubba sold out the national interests of the United States to our adversaries for cash. For example you will learn about the deal which enabled a Russian owned company to own about 20% of the uranium production capacity of the United States. And coincidently (if you believe in coincidences) while the soon to be approved deal was under consideration, that company made a $2.35 million donation to the Clinton Family Foundation.
There is no excuse not to watch this movie. It’s now free and only an hour long and after you watch it you will be convinced Hillary Clinton should never be President. Please watch and share.