The Madness of The Mainstream Media

Facebook Twitter Flipboard A basic rule of “presenting” is to never put down the people one is talking to, it’s a rule that many in the news world break regularly. The recent example comes from Politico, whose Marc Caputo, took to social media and mocked Trump fans as toothless hillbillies. Caputo’s tweets are an example of the […]

By Dunetz שמואל בן נח

August 3, 2018 at 10:02 pm

A basic rule of "presenting" is to never put down the people one is talking to, it's a rule that many in the news world break regularly. The recent example comes from Politico, whose Marc Caputo, took to social media and mocked Trump fans as toothless hillbillies. Caputo's tweets are an example of the truth behind the anger of many Americans toward the mainstream media--mainstream media arrogance.

Caputo was trying to defend Jim Acosta, the most hated newsman in America who was heckled during a Trump rally earlier this week. While doing a live report at President Trump’s rally in Tampa, Florida, CNN’s Jim Acosta had to deal with hecklers screaming CNN Sucks, Fake News, and Go Home.

In a true arrogant fashion, Caputo responded to an Acosta tweeted video showing his harassment claiming, “If you put everyone’s mouths together in this video, you’d get a full set of teeth.”

If you put everyone’s mouths together in this video, you’d get a full set of teeth

— Marc Caputo (@MarcACaputo) August 1, 2018

Way to justify the anger towards mainstream media reporters Marc, act like you are better than the people you are reporting about. That is part of the reason your buddy Acosta is unpopular.

But Caputo wasn't done, the stupid fairy must have sprinkled more dust on him because he shoved his foot further down his throat.

Of course, Caputo generated a Twitter backlash;

CNN Commentator/Hill Contributor Paris also trashed Caputo:

Federalist Contributor Chad Felix Greene put it best.

Based on the angry reaction or (if you believe it) a real sense of guilt Marc Caputo apologized.

What Caputo, his buddy Jim Acosta and too many others in the mainstream media doesn't understand is the people's anger goes beyond the fake news and biased reporting, its the arrogance. Caputo's compatriots believe the people are stupid, its why they ignored the Obama scandals such as fast and furious, the IRS attacks on conservative organization, and the Benghazi lies. It is also why they attack Donald Trump and his supporters. Since these arrogant newsmen believe that Trump's policies are so obviously wrong, those who believe in his policies must be stupid.

It is that mainstream media arrogance which results in the fake news, the biased reporting, and much of the public's anger at the mainstream media.