If you still live in California, you probably deserve a medal. Living under the tyrannical rule of Newsom has to hurt. He keeps on adding to his COVID rules, but the only thing the rules accomplish is to prove that lockdowns don’t work. The economy sinks while the CoronaVirus cases surge.

From The Daily Wire:

California has some of the nation’s strictest restrictions when it comes to COVID-19, yet it is one of America’s epicenters for the virus, Politico reported. The state has at times instituted “a complete ban on restaurant dining to travel quarantines and indoor gym closures.”

(…) To date, California has had 2.06 million known confirmed cases of coronavirus and 23,964 deaths in a population of 39.51 million. To put that in perspective, New York has had 909,000 confirmed cases and 36,739 deaths (24,889 deaths in New York City alone) in a population of 19.45 million. Florida, which has been under attack from the media for its handling of the pandemic because the state has a Republican governor who hasn’t taken unconstitutional and extreme measures to lock down the state, has seen 1.25 million confirmed cases and 20,994 deaths in a population of 21.48 million.

Politico reported that California’s case rate – “100 new daily cases per 100,000 residents” – is second only to Tennessee’s, a state that hasn’t done all the economy-killing restrictions of California. Tennessee, for example, doesn’t mandate mask wearing (though most businesses require it anyway) and allows up to 10 people to gather indoors.

Stephen Moore explains that the lockdowns don’t reduce deaths, and they hurt those who can least afford to be hurt:

Lockdowns are crushing the little guy. Even so, it is the Democrats who are pushing this anti-freedom agenda. Here are the 10 states listed by The New York Times with the strictest lockdown orders: California, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington. What do they have in common? Democratic governors.

Liberals love to talk about following the science, but all evidence of the last nine months points to the scientific conclusion that lockdowns do not work to reduce deaths. Contact-tracing studies show that about half of those infected with the coronavirus got it despite staying at home. Only 2% of the transmission comes from restaurants, and almost none comes from outdoor dining, which is now idiotically prohibited in California.

The states that have not locked down their economy have lower death rates than New York and New Jersey. The unemployment rate for service workers in these states has skyrocketed to as high as 10%. In contrast, the red states, such as Utah and Florida, that are still open for business have unemployment rates for service workers as low as 4%.

In old movies and TV shows, when a pregnant woman went into labor, the father would always be told to go boil water. It wasn’t because the boiling water would help the soon-to-be mom deliver the child. It was a trick to make the dad get out of the way and look busy.

Folks, Covid-19 lockdowns are just like the boiling water. It gets the public out of the way and makes the state’s governor look like the crisis is being handled.  But it’s not being handled. The lockdowns add to the economic disaster that is CoronaVirus and does not alleviate the medical disaster.

lockdowns don’t work

lockdowns don’t work
