Guest Post by Joe Newby –
On Wednesday, we said that according to reports, George Soros and his money is behind practically every effort by the left to destroy the Western world. Later in the day, the Daily Caller reported that a leaked document indicates that George Soros’ Open Society Foundation orchestrated what Peter Hasson called a “well-funded attempt to secure a desired outcome in a U.S. Supreme Court case on illegal immigration enforcement…”
That’s right — Soros and his minions actually tried to buy a Supreme Court decision in order to uphold Barack Obama’s executive order on illegal immigration.
Hasson added:
The February 2016 memo was among thousands of internal OSF documents released to the public by anonymous hackers whose stated goal is to “shed light on one of the most influential networks operating worldwide.” OSF U.S. Programs director Ken Zimmerman and deputy director Andrea Batista Schlesinger co-authored the memo, which is addressed to the 14 advisory board members of the organization’s U.S. operations
One section of the memo is devoted to “reports from the field,” including a report titled “Immigration policy and Syrian refugees: Steps Forward and Back in a Volatile Time.”
Here’s an image from that document, posted by Hasson:
“Grantees are seeking to influence the Justices (primarily via a sophisticated amicus briefs and media strategy) in hopes of securing a favorable ruling in U.S. v Texas,” the memo says.
That case, Hasson noted, addressed Obama’s executive order giving legal status and work permits to millions of illegals.
The memo, Hasson added, “also states the organization’s interest in possible ‘collaborations with Arab, Muslim, Middle Eastern and South Asian partners.’
Fortunately, the Court struck down Obama’s executive amnesty, dealing the White House a setback — but you know they’re not going to stop…
Cross Posted from Conservative Firing Line