This Christmas season, social media was filled with the fabrication that Jesus was a Palestinian. At times, it seemed that every other text on X and many texts on Truth Social made that Jesus is a Palestinian lie. Heck, five different groups have been created on Facebook about Jesus being a Palestinian.

Anyone who believes that deception is trying to delegitimize Israel or is an imbecile with no knowledge of basic math or history.

Oops, before I start, my son, who graduated cum laude with a degree in applied mathematics, arrogantly says addition and subtraction-type calculations are not math. They are arithmetic.

Because I am Jewish and live 2,000 years after Jesus, I can’t speak to Christian theology. However, my Christian friends gave me the basics. They told me when and where he lived and where they believed he was crucified. According to Christian tradition, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is in Jewish Judea. Then, his family moved to Nazareth, which is in Jewish Samaria.

To explain the arithmetic. Per Christian theology, Dionysius Exiguus (Dennis the Humble) calculated the calendar to make Year 1 (not 0) the year of Jesus’ birth, but he miscalculated. Various guesses put the birth within 1-4 years BCE. No estimate counts the number zero. Using the earliest number of those estimates, if Jesus was born in the year 4 BCE and Judea. a Jewish state. Judea wasn’t defeated until 135 C.E, a 139-year difference.

There seems to be some consensus that the crucifixion date is April 3, 33 C.E., or 106  years before the Romans destroyed the Judean state. According to sources, when Jesus was crucified near Jerusalem in Judeam, he was 33 to 40 years old. Again, the numbers do not woT

Those who say the Jews have taken over a Palestinian land have no understanding. During the time of Jesus, they were called Hebrews, Israelites, and The Children of Israel. After the Romans defeated Bar Kochba, they were called Judeans, which eventually was shortened to Jews.

Jews have lived in the Holy Land ever since Moses turned over the leadership of the former slave to Joshua, who led them across the Jordan River. When the haters say from the river to the sea, the river was the Jordan River, which Joshua split, and the sea was the Red Sea, which Moses split. That’s from the river to the sea. By the way, God helps Jews control water. I would advise those haters to stay away from bodies of water near the holy land. King David was crowned King of a united Kingdom (all 12 tribes) around 1,000 BCE. Suding that as a base, it means the Jews have been the indigenous people of  Israel for over 3,000 years.

After the Bar Kochba revolt in 135 CE, the Romans punished the Judeans (Jews) for revolting for the third time in sixty years. To poke those rebellious Judeans in the eye, the Romans changed the Jewish State’sname from Judea to Syria Palaestina. The Romans used Palestina because it was the name of the ancient enemy of the Jews, the Philistines. The Philistines didn’t exist anymore (they had disappeared from existence around eight hundred years earlier). Its people were not called Palestinians because its residents were still primarily people who followed the Jewish State. The Romans tried to throw out many Judeans from their own country, creating the Jewish exile that lasted till 1948. Not all the Jews were thrown out. Many Jews lived in the Holy Land through 1948 when a Jewish state was declared the eternal homeland of the Jews.

The Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the Roman Empire, formed from its eastern provinces. They took control of the holy land around the year 330 C.E. Three centuries later, in the year 638 C.E., the land was conquered by the Rashidun Caliphate, which was the first four caliphs that took over after Muhammad died. Eight hundred years ago, the land became part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire (in the 1400s).

After WW1, the League of Nations made the entire Homeland of the Jews a British protectorate, known as the British Mandate Of Palestine. That lasted until 1948, when the modern Jewish State, Israel, was created. Throughout that period, from the year 135 through the year 1948, there was a large population of Jews living on the land. In fact, before 1948, Jews living in the holy land were called Palestinians. When the UN partitioned, \the partition document (UN 181) called for an Arab state and a Jewish state, but the plan did not mention a Palestinian state.

Putting the timeline together, it is clear to anyone with basic math (sorry, son) arithmetic skills that Jesus couldn’t have been a Palestinian. Based on Christian theology, the land was called Judea until a century after Jesus died. Muslims didn’t control the area until 600 years after Jesus. Even then, it was part of a Califate, not an independent state. It became part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1400 C.E. After World War 1, Christian Great Britain was given the holy land as part of the British Mandate.

Answering the question and putting the timeline together, it is clear that anyone with basic arithmetic or history skills could not claim Jesus that Jesus was a Palestinian.

Anyone claiming that Jesus was a Palestinian is trying to create a new history, which is part of the Palestinian strategy of trying to erase the Jewish people’s historic connection to their Indigenous homeland.
