By Jeff Davidson,

This year’s JPD Mentor of the Year award goes to Craig Springer, owner and manager of the Liberty Bookstore at the fairgrounds in Raleigh, NC, who, week after week, displayed how unwavering dedication to a cause and a country sometimes works out spectacularly well.

Jeff Davidson “Mentor of the Year” Award Winners

2024 — Craig Springer… a vital resource in the cause of liberty, gently spreading the word to all who seek it.

2023 — Peter Hicks… For travel genius, astute political observations, and keen personal insight.

2022 — not awarded

2021 — Justin Orringer… Effectively imparting technical know-how and personal wisdom well beyond his 20 years.

2020 — Terry Paulson… Sharing his leadership and speaking career insights, and his author/columns tips, to this day.

2019 — Charlotte Ashlock… Amazing knowledge as to what makes for compelling reading and the uncanny ability to empower her authors.

2018 — Noushi Haeussler… Deep understanding, learned over many years, about being and appearing healthy.

2017 — Marty Horn… A repeater from 2015, his insights and observations keep me sharp

2016 — Peter Hicks… Oldest and best friend (we met in 1st grade) whose wisdom over three score is unsurpassed and sharpens with age.

2015 — Marty Horn… A 46-year friend, and a great sounding board for decades, now most of all.

2014 — Nancy Davidson… Revered sister and psychologist with whom Freud and Jung might have sought counsel.

2013 — Sharon Shelton… a local, modern-day, down-to-earth sage with insights for the ages.

2012 — Robert Steven Crawford… Cyberage know-how, AV production, and a winning style.

2011 — Pam Nogueira… Cutting edge perspectives on the best in human health, down to the cellular level.

2010 — Shawn Kent Hayashi… Model communicator, project leader, and networker.

2008 — Peter Archer… An editor, thinker, and intellectual guide of distinction.

2009 — Ji Zhao… Web guru, audio/video producer, and all around technical whiz.

2007 — Scott Burrows… The best advice you’ll ever hear about breaking out of comfort zones.

2006 — Turner Walters… Guiding me through the technical aspects our or high tech age.

2005 — Tom Antion… Illustrating the essence of thinking big and big earnings.

2004 — George Manlove… Healthcare and healthcare advice that works.

2003 — Valerie Davidson… Better than the best half of each of her parents.

2002 — Sharon Askew… Grace under pressure and at all times as well.

2001 — Lois Johnson… An example of enduring kindness and congeniality.

2000 — Peter Hicks… Best friend, fellow world traveler, and insightful thinker.

1999 — Renee Wilmeth… Guidance about what makes for a winning book.

1998 — Tony Alessandra… A surrogate brother, friend, and sage counsel.

1997 — Chris Klose… A youth advisor with cyber age wisdom and patience for all ages.

1996 — Jerry Bennett… A CFP role model for all professionals.

1995 — Rob Sommer… A video producer and strategist who shares his wisdom without pretension.

1994 — Tony Alessandra… A master of the spoken word whose business acumen is uncanny.

1993 — Elizabeth Jeffries… A consummate speaking professional whose insights are eternal.

1992 — Dottie Walters… The queen of sharing ideas, helped me accelerate my speaking career.

1991 — Ron Wagner… Timely advice, upgrades, on-the-spot training, and high accessibility.

1990 — Ron Wagner… A godsend in the form of PC guru who revolutionized my home office.

1989 — Dave Yoho… A profound sense of business and ethics, and what works in life.

1988 — Holland Cooke… My personal guide in the world of broadcasting.

1987 — Pat McCallum… A leader who shows how to make pronounced and effective choices.

1986 — Bonita Nelson… The agent who sold early books that helped launch my author career.

1985 — Dr. Harvey Austin… Convinced me that my personal quests could take mega leaps.

1984 — Betty Arbuckle Taylor… My ‘life coach’ who opened doors to seeing things in other ways.

1983 — Richard Connor… The conduit to the passion and potential of the entrepreneurial life.

1982 — Jon Pearson… A co-worker and friend to all who leads by example everyday.

1981 — Deenie Kenner… A friend with far-eastern wisdom, a gentle manner, and eternal patience.

1980 — Dennis Wenger… A friend in need is a friend indeed.

1979 — Shirley Davidson… Rising to heights beyond her apparent nature.

1978 — Ted Muendel… A mentor par excellence.


1977 — Shirley Davidson… A tower of strength in tumultuous times.

1976 — Errol Alexander… Introducing me to the world of management consulting.

1975 — Og Mandino… High inspiration from affair.

1974 — Richard Sheldon… An entrepreneur capable of sharing his insights.

1973 — Emanuel Davidson… Father of the year, every year.

Thank you, one and all,

Jeff Davidson



Jeff Davidson is “The Work-Life Balance Expert®” and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, effectiveness, integration, shift, blend, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Perfect Timing, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management. Visit or call 919-932-1996 for more information on Jeff’s keynote speeches and seminars.