Guest Post by Gary DeMar
If you want a growing economy that does not depend on the State, do not vote for Hillary Clinton. She doesn’t know anything about creating jobs. She said the following in 2014:
“Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses create jobs. You know that old theory, ‘trickle-down economics.’ That has been tried; that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly.”
Hillary believes that by taxing corporations at ever higher rates, more jobs will be created. She believes that when the government takes money from corporations in the form of taxes and redistributes that stolen money to people who did not earn it, jobs are created. Does this mean if I steal money from some of my neighbors and redistribute a percentage of that money to some of my other neighbors I would be creating jobs?
Donald Trump and businessmen like him have created more jobs than all the presidents and congressmen combined since the time George Washington took the oath of office. Politicians are mostly an obstacle to job creation because they steal money from wage earners and entrepreneurs and use that stolen money to grow the government, create a permanent dependent class, and ensure future voters to keep them in power. They need dependent people reliant on government to give them a reason for their existence.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar described this form of government as a “necessary evil.” It’s evil, and it’s not necessary. In fact, it’s immoral and counterproductive.
As President, neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump will be able to create a single job. Elected officials can’t create jobs. They can only hinder job growth through taxation and regulations.
True job growth comes from people who take risks with their own capital and skills and/or they pool their capital and skills with investors who contribute their own money and skills for a return on their investment.
The money that governments use to “create jobs” is stolen money. It’s taken from people who earned it and given to people who have not earned it. Electing people to steal money from some people so it can be given to other people is theft by proxy. Wealth redistribution by majority vote is still theft.
If money confiscated by the government remained with the people who earned it, over time it would filter through the economy and result in investments in businesses that do create jobs. Trickle-down economics works as long as governments don’t create parallel programs that deinsentivize people from working because the stolen money they receive from the government is often more than they can make in the job market after taxes and other considerations are taken into account.
Any money that a business earns is voluntary. No one is forced to purchase a product or service unless the government mandates it, and that’s called tyranny. The Affordable Care Act is a current example of a mandated purchase that is crippling the healthcare industry.
“It isn’t Republicans hobbling the law. It isn’t the greedy insurance companies, who were overly optimistic about the exchanges at the outset and are now paying the price. It is fundamental economic forces that the law’s architects blithely ignored. But economic incentives will not be mocked.
“The answer to this turbulence, the law’s supporters say, is yet more subsidies [i.e., stolen money]. They’re paying an inadvertent obeisance to the old Ronald Reagan quip that the government’s view of the economy is: ‘If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it
Subsidizing a business with stolen capital is unconstitutional and immoral. So is using the power of government to create monopolies like was done with the Bell Telephone Company/AT&T. For many years, it was a Federal crime to compete with AT&T. See the documentary Genius on Hold, the story of Walter Shaw. The result? Higher prices and fewer technological advances because there was no price or innovation competition.
The only way a politician could create jobs is by investing his own money, borrowing the money from a non-government source, or appealing to investors who are willing to risk their own money. Getting a government loan is not creating jobs since that money is not the government’s money to loan.
The next time a politician claims that government can create jobs, hold on to your wallet because you are about to have your pocket picked.
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