Guest Post
Politics may make strange bedfellows, but money talks. And although Democrats will tell you that the Republicans are the party of big money, George Soros — billionaire stakeholder in the liberal American dream — is pooling his resources with other big spenders in the hopes of defeating the “Trump mandate.” Among the latter are big banks, which is normally anathema to the extreme-Left, but when it comes to blind ambition (and to Soros) any means necessary to the end, is kosher.
Soros is retooling his Center for American Progress (CAP), founded by former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta back in 2003, as the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAPAF), and asking visitors to the organization’s web page to “join the resistance.”
The Soros-funded site admonishes:
Instead of draining the swamp, President-elect Trump is turning his cabinet into a revolving door for the wealthiest and most powerful special interests. And his policies make clear that he intends to distract the American people with tweets and showmanship while his administration scams working people.
We stand with the 54 percent of American voters who rejected Trump on election day.
We believe Trump has no mandate and was propelled to victory through a combination of voter suppression and foreign interference by hostile nations like Russia.
We will not stand by and watch as Trump tries to propagate his radical right-wing agenda on the American people after an election he won without the popular vote.
We will fight back.
It also lists some specifics on which fights the group intends to have. For example CAPAF plans to resist Trump’s efforts to repeal Obamacare, :gut critical climate regulations,” “deport millions of undocumented immigrants,” and “dismantle Dodd-Frank.” Some of these changes — the end of Obamacare for one — are inevitable, while others (Trump’s alleged “attacks on Muslims; women; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT, people; and people of color”) are more fanciful than real.
Should be interesting to watch.
Cross Posted From Liberty Unyielding.