Viewership for Donald Trump’s second inaugural event set massive new records for political content on TV and other ways to watch this year, according to the data.

The numbers have to be added up over several ways people watched the event to find out just how many tuned in.

For instance, according to Nielsen 24.6 million viewers watched Trump on traditional TV across ABC, CBS, NBC. While that is not as many as tuned in during his first term in 2017 (31 million), fewer people than ever are watching much of anything on the big three networks.

Then we add in the other services…

On Youtube, the inaugural programing earned 9.6 million viewers, according too WION-TV.

Meanwhile, Fox News on cable earned an additional 10.3 million people viewers, according to the New York Times. As to the other two, CNN clocked in with 1.7 million and tiny little MSNBC found 848,000 leftists weeping to the show.

On X, it has been reported that Trump’s gained 36.7 million views on the live feed of his inauguration. And Rumble reported having 5.5 million viewers for the event.

So, all total, that appears to have earned Trump a viewership of more than 80 million Americans. That would make his viewership the highest ever recorded for a presidential inauguration.

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