By Jeff Davidson,

It is vital for anyone in the Trump Administration, Republican voters, and Conservatives in general to avoid initiating or perpetuating hoaxes. And we must call out any instances in which our side is committing a falsehood. Why? For many reasons.

We do not want to engage in the same behavior and tactics of those on the Left, who launch and tout hoaxes frequently and gleefully. When we perpetuate falsehoods, we are no better than they are. Our focus should be to remain rational and objective, to proceed based on common sense, and tried and true approaches to prevailing issues.

A Hoax that Needs to Die

One hoax, championed by some people on the Right, which diminishes all of our causes, is about Michelle Obama.

You probably spend a considerable amount of time reading on the internet and in print, primarily focusing on politics. It’s likely that you’ve come across conservative and right-leaning websites that will refer to Michelle Obama as “Big Mike.” The implication is that Michelle Obama was born a male and sometime thereafter had a trans-sexual operation. This notion is complete and utter nonsense.

To be clear, the Obamas are not among my favorite couples on earth. Indeed, I rate them at the very bottom. Barack Obama was one of Biden’s puppet masters. At length, I can offer you chapter and verse as to why Obama’s eight years in office were devastating for the U.S. and how the disastrous effects are still being felt, but that is an article for another time.

Was Michelle Obama ever a male? The answer can be revealed in seconds. Visit your favorite search engine and type in “Michelle Obama as a child” or “young Michelle Obama.” Then click on “images.” Instantly, you’ll encounter a preponderance of photos of young Michelle – so many that, quite simply, they dispel the erroneous assertion that she grew up as a male before having sex change surgery.

Why the Clamor on the Right?

Michelle Obama, ne Michelle Robinson was born a female, grew up as a female, and has always been a female independent of how she appears to some of her detractors.

Why do so many sites on the Right refer to her as “Big Mike” and imply that she is a transsexual? Likely, anything to bring down the Obamas. For one, if she were a transsexual then the Obama daughters had a different birth mother.

Focus and Authenticity

Since Michelle Obama has always been a female, embrace it and turn to pressing issues. Do not let others besmirch our efforts to help restore America to her greatness, to perpetuate truth, and to support the second Trump Administration in administering justice, creating economic opportunity for all, and improving our society in myriad ways.

Devoting even a nanosecond to the notion that Michelle Obama was originally male, or to any other absurd notion, dissipates our focus. Worse, it opens the door for those on the Left to make attacks on us and to weaken our effectiveness on key issues that we support. It’s bad enough that the mainstream press continues to serve as a branch of the Democrat party. We don’t need to create unforced errors or give them cannon fodder for their causes.

Individually and collectively we need to forsake dealing in myths, and stick to the truth to the best of our abilities. Consider that when any voice of prominence on the Right utters a lie, perpetuates a myth, makes unfounded claims, or otherwise joins the tin foil hat society, we potentially lessen our otherwise valid arguments in the quest to improve our great nation.

Call Out the False Claims

Next week or next month when you encounter another article by a Conservative author, which implies that Michelle Obama was born a male, or to any other ridiculous assertion, make your voice heard. Write to that entity and explain that this is not so. Emphasize that it is not helpful to perpetuate falsehoods. That’s what the Left does.

Call out those who would weaken our authenticity when it comes to legitimate issues and virtuous points of view. To do less is to aid and abet fanatical Leftists in their bogus claims that we are the fanatics.



Jeff Davidson is “The Work-Life Balance Expert®” and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, effectiveness, integration, shift, blend, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Perfect Timing, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management. Visit or call 919-932-1996 for more information on Jeff’s keynote speeches and seminars.