On Monday, David Hogg, the anti-gun teen demagogue once dubbed the “king of the snowflakes on Twitter,” paraphrased the President’s tweet to Iran using it to issue a threatening tweet against President Trump.

The President’s words sent to the Iranian leader was, “Never, Ever Threaten The United States Again Or You Will Suffer Consequences The Likes Of Which Few Throughout History Have Ever Suffered Before. We Are No Longer A Country That Will Stand For Your Demented Words Of Violence & Death. Be Cautious”

Hogg’s tweet to President Trump said: “Never, ever threaten the United States again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. We are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence & death. Be cautious!”

Isn’t threatening the President a crime? What about plagiarizing the president to threaten the president?  I wonder if the Secret Service visited the Hogg haven.

Oh, whatta you know I am correct.

One person reminded Hogg that his threat is precisely why we have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The real truth is that by mocking the president’s Iran tweet Hogg sided with Iran against the president, as one person observed in a misspelled tweet:

One person asked Hogg what he plans to do if Trump doesn’t obey his order:

Exit question: Will the Secret Service pay young Mr. Hogg a visit? They should…

Cross Posted with Conservative Firing Line