Guest Post by Joe Messina
This weekend I was handed the ultimate gift. A rich, progressive, Lefty who hates the rich! It doesn’t get better than this. Thank you Colin Kaepernick!
Colin, the San Francisco 49ers quarterback, exercised his right to free speech last week while being cheered on by the far Left when he made a political statement by refusing to stand for the National Anthem at a preseason game. They stood arm in arm with him against this oppressive nation known as the United States.
You see, Colin is a product of the oppressive society where “Whitey” doesn’t care about the “African America” and all that befalls the black community in this country can directly be attributed to a white person. Just ask those on the Left.
Because of how the whites treat African Americans, Collin’s dad left his mom who was 19 and pregnant. Why? Because he was mad, and afraid of whitey, and afraid of bringing up a child in this oppressive country.
It was a miracle that Colin was even born considering that the majority of babies aborted in this country are minorities and mostly African Americans who are specifically targeted by Planned Parenthood.
His mom had the good sense to give him up for adoption (bless that mom wherever she is.) And she probably hoped that he would be adopted by a solid African American family.
Imagine her fury and disappointment when a rich, white, oppressive family stepped up to enslave her son. To Colin’s point he was forced to go to school in this Oppressive American culture where he had to attend air conditioned schools, he was given paper, pencils, and books to work with. OMG! He attended schools that were kept safe by an oppressive government? That forced him to eat food they provided and drink clean water?! OH the humanity!
Colin was able to pursue his dreams because of the men and women of ALL colors who fought and continue to fight for his freedom and all the freedoms of this country. Colin should consider a visit to or even try to live in countries like North Korea or Venezuela or any other country that would jail him for what he said!
Colin you are the classic lefty-progressive-jerk. After taking advantage of and working the system that afforded you the luxuries you have today, your only takeaway is hatred for that very system that helped you get to where you are today.
Is it true you converted to Islam. Are you going to tell us you aren’t allowed to Pledge Allegiance or stand for the National Anthem? That’s confusing to me because some of us who have Muslim friends and associates who do stand and have respect for the country. Is yours a different type of Islam? Or are you just practicing Jerkism?
You play in an industry with some of the highest paid “entertainers” in the world this is very “oppressive” towards Asians, Hispanics and whites (the NFL is almost 70% African American). Using Rev. Al Sharpton’s logic here, since there aren’t many blacks in the boardrooms of some major American companies he says they are racist. Does that same logic apply to the NFL or NBA where African Americans makeup approximately 75% of the players? That’s another industry that pays mega bucks, millions of mega bucks to the oppressed black players.
I’m sure that oppressive white family stole you from the adoption agency and didn’t allow a black family to adopt you. Then they sent you to oppressive schools in areas that hated blacks and then forced you to go to college where you got picked up by the “major big oppressive” leagues who are so proud of you today.
You have proven the point of many of us on the Right… You socialist, progressive Lefties who scream foul are often the recipients of all the good and more this country has to offer. And apparently, nothing is good enough or fair enough or simply “enough” for you.
People like you are what keeps racism alive and well in America, and that’s a shame.
Joe Messina’s radio show The Real Side can be heard daily across the airwaves and over the internet on several stations. He has loyal listeners in 42 states and 38 countries, and the list keeps growing (you can listen live M-F between 9PM and 12AM Eastern by Clicking Here). Joe also runs The Real Side website where you can read conservative commentary from him and his engaging contributors.