According to the data, Joe Biden’s federal government wasted $161.8 billion in improper payments in 2024.

It’s all part of the estimated $2.8 TRILLION in waste since the year 2003, according to Just the News.

The report found a total of $161.8 billion in improper payments in 2024 alone. That figure is likely an undercount because not all federal agencies follow reporting guidelines.

Under the Payment Integrity Information Act, agencies are required to manage payments by identifying risks, taking corrective measures, and reporting on their efforts. However, the GAO found that some agencies are not fully following the required guidelines for reporting data annually.

Improper payments have declined in recent years, costing the government $239 billion in 2023 before dropping to $161.8 billion in 2024. Improper payments remain a stubborn challenge for many federal agencies. Improper payments peaked at $281.4 billion in fiscal 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2024 cost of improper payments, $161.8 billion, would be enough for the U.S. Marines to buy nearly 2,000 V-22 Osprey helicopters at $71.3 million a piece. The V-22 Osprey is a combat aircraft designed to combine the vertical performance of a helicopter with the speed and range of a plane.

The data is fro the report by the GAO which is required to deliver quarterly reports on the improper payments.

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