Joe Biden has done more to destroy this county and any former U.S. president and his border crisis is a main reason why that is true. And now we know he has allowed more criminal illegals into the country than any president in history.

Even the left-wing New York Times is now admitting that Biden has made America worse with his border policies.

‘Total net migration during the Biden administration is likely to exceed eight million people,” including legal and illegal migrants, left-wing writer by David Leonhardt said in his article last week.

“That’s a faster pace of arrivals than during any other period on record,” Leonhardt continued, “including the peak years of Ellis Island traffic, when millions of Europeans came to the United States. Even after taking into account today’s larger U.S. population, the recent surge is the most rapid since at least 1850.”

All of this has kept American wages stagnant, taken wealth from the middle classes, and handed it to the upper classes.

This is what Donald Trump wants to reverse.

Now you know another reason why the monied class (both Republicans and Democrats) have worked so hard to destroy Trump.

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