Not content to murder babies in the womb, abortion mill operator Planned Parenthood has now also become a leader in mutilating children with transgendering procedures.

Per PJ Media:

At the start of July, Fox News exposed a 2023 statement from a Pennsylvania chapter of Planned Parenthood: “Providing gender-affirming care services aligns with our mission of enabling all people to make empowered, informed decisions about their bodies and lives. Nationally, Planned Parenthood is the second-largest provider of hormone therapy.” Now 45 PP affiliates provide hormone “treatments,” some to children.

Indeed, earlier this year, Missouri AG Andrew Bailey accused the abortion giant of helping minors obtain both puberty blockers and “transgender” surgeries without parental consent.

Fox News pointed out an ongoing lawsuit in Illinois where the plaintiff accuses a Planned Parenthood clinic doctor of negligence for giving a child hormone therapy as a form of treatment for gender dysphoria.

LifeNews added some stats to the discussion:

Planned Parenthood began selling hormone treatments in 2005. By 2022, 41 out of 49 regional branches were exploiting kids with the sales. However, the past three years have seen a substantial uptick in Planned Parenthood’s involvement in transgender healthcare. Now 45 of its affiliates sell the dangerous hormones.

From 2020 to 2022, the number of transgender sales and related visits at Planned Parenthood abortion centers rose by approximately 125%, based on a review of available data by the Daily Caller News Foundation. In 2020, regional branches that disclosed their data collectively recorded 17,036 visits, compared to 38,337 visits in 2022. This represents a remarkable increase over a short period.

There is a singular reason behind all this, of course. Demcrats and leftists despise the nuclear family and want it obliterated so that no one has any loved ones or a localized support system. They want all people 100% beholden to government.

They want families without children. And if family insist on having children, they shift their focus to estranging children away from parents.

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