2020 Democratic Platform Continues Anti-Israel Themes First Pushed By Obama in 2012
Putin Veto Threat Stopped Obama From Screwing Israel At The UN Security Council One Last Time
Deputy Press Sec. Hogan Gidley Tells Truth About Obama & Israel: Gets Slammed By Liberal Jews
Trump In Israel: A Day of Historic Firsts-A Repudiation of Obama (UPDATED To Cover Tues.)
When Obama Disclosed Israeli Nukes, MSM Didn’t Treat As Major Story Like They Did W/Trump
Senior Israeli Diplomat Dore Gold Says Obama’s Arrogance Hurt Relationship W/Israel
Obama Administration’s Dishonest/Cynical Defense of Anti-Israel UN Vote
Israel To Obama: You Lied, We Still Think Iran Deal Sucks
68 Years Ago Pres. Truman Recognized Israel Over State Dept. Objections (Would Obama Have Done Same Thing?)
The Jewish State’s existence would have been very short lived were it not for the strong will of President Harry S Truman, who became the new State’s first international supporter over the objections of his very popular and powerful Secretary of State George Marshall…Based on the past seven years it is reasonable to believe that if Barack Obama was president 68 years ago, Israel may very well have been cast aside in deference to the King of Saudi Arabia and the Arab League.