According to the statement released to the Hill:
“Breitbart News Network, a pro-America, conservative website, is preparing a multi-million dollar lawsuit against a major media company for its baseless and defamatory claim that Breitbart News is a ‘white nationalist website,’”
“Breitbart News cannot allow such vicious racial lies to go unchallenged, especially by cynical, politically-motivated competitors seeking to diminish its 42 million monthly readers and its number one in the world political Facebook page. Breitbart News rejects racism in all its varied and ugly forms. Always has, always will,” the statement continues.”The diversity of the company’s news coverage and its staff continue to embody Andrew Breitbart’s colorblind, distinctly American commitment to ‘E pluribus unum’—out of many, one.”
One of the things the MSM points to as an example of “anti-Semitism” was a post by David Horowitz another proud Jew (who I worked for):
CNN, which has been particularly vicious, did a nasty attack on Bannon using another of the thinnest reeds available: This was a headline at calling Bill Kristol a “renegade Jew.” In fact, neither Breitbart nor Bannon is responsible for that statement. A Jew is. I wrote the article, which was neither requested nor commissioned by Breitbart. And I wrote the headline: “Bill Kristol, Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew.”
When the article was published I called headline anti-Semitic “click-bait.” David and I spoke about it and agreed to disagree, but the article doesn’t reflect on the Breitbart sites or Steve Bannon, the same way that the fact that MSNBC has a once a week Al Sharpton program doesn’t mean the entire network or it’s management is anti-Semitic.
Of course without knowing who is going to get hit with the suit makes it difficult to project whether or not the suit has any chance. But some of the leading contenders must be CNN, whose reports have been particularly brutal and possibly Huffington Post who titled their article on Sunday:
Whatever happens allow me to suggest you get the big bag of popcorn, because it is always entertaining to to see the arrogant left wing mainstream media to “get theirs.”